Audio Podcast Production

Podcast Production

You would like to do your own audio Podcast but you don’t know where you start? I help you set up your podcast from the planning of content, the creation of images, the editing, and the promotion.

Helping you to do High-Quality Live Video Broadcasting and Streaming in your Look & Feel. Get into the LIVE Mindset and win clients with ease!
I am Daniel Schwenger, a digital marketing specialist and YouTube Influencer.

I am a marketing specialist and worked in public and private radio and as a broadcast journalist.

A podcast is a special, and delicate form of content marketing. If done right you get into the hearts of your audience and future prospects.

I help you to design the perfect podcast for you: from the sound of your voice until the right music.

How about having an experienced expert help you with your audio podcast and content marketing strategy?

Let’s arrange a meeting and find out how I can support you.

This is how I help you to set up your own podcast

We discuss your podcast goals, audience and topics

We plan and write the podcast script togehter

I help you to record your podcast

I help you with the editing, finalization and publishing

How do I make a difference?

Almost anyone can make a podcast these days. But in the great ocean of content, quality and correct positioning decide whether your message gets through or gets lost

Check out this Before and After video


I am proud to have produced the UNLIMIT YOUR SPIRIT #Podcast for Alexander Rech, live mastery and leadership coach.

The new and third episode is out. It. Topic: How to find your soul’s purpose, open your heart and strengthen your intuition.

The future of podcasting presents high-quality content through different channels. This is exactly what this podcast does: great audio content through #spotify and #applepodcast with a fully-fledged visualization through YouTube and social stories.

This podcast has the potential to go very far. Alexander records the audio in #bali #indonesia, and I am taking care of the rest from #geneva #switzerland.

Thanks, Alex for your trust and collaboration. You waited 3 years to realize your idea.

I had the privilege to lead you through the technical steps and coach you.

Congratulations on bringing this relevant and life-changing podcast out, where it can give inspiration and make a difference.

I am looking forward to the next episodes and seeing your podcast thrive in 2023.

Reference Video

Unlimit your Spirit Podcast - by Alex Rech
